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Teacher's Role

The teacher has an important role to help students to use feedback productively.  The purpose of formative feedback is to provide guidance for students' continued learning, making it crucial that students work to understand and act on feedback instead of simply receiving it and setting it aside" (Tobey & Goldsmith, 2013).  


            To support and develop self-regulated learning teachers:

  1. Clarify what good performance is

  2. Facilitate self-assessment

  3. Deliver high-quality feedback information

  4. Encourage teacher and peer dialogue

  5. Encourage positive motivation and self-esteem

  6. Provide opportunities to close the gap

  7. Use feedback to improve teaching

(Nicole & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006)      

Student's Role  

As studens reflect on their work they "generate internal feedback about the degree to which they are reaching these goals, what they need to do to improve progress towards them" by completing a self-assessment (Nicole&Macfarlane-Dick, 2006). They later "incorporate external feedback (e.g., from instructors and peers) into their own sense of how well they are doing in relation towards their goals" and adjustments where necessary (Nicole & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006).


Feedbck and Assessment

“The key moderators of goal setting are feedbacks, which people need in order to track

their progress; commitment to the goal, which is enhanced by self-efficacy and viewing the

goal as important” these moderators are necessary to goal setting (Locke & Latham, 2006, p. 265).

A Model & seven principles of good feedback practice

(Nicole & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006)

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